Monday, June 20

Alkaline Tio: 'Clavicle' Single and 'This Could be Love' Single from Up-Coming Release 'Damnesia'

I am an open Alkaline Trio uber fan-boy. And I am happy to announce that Alkaline Trio have released two singles from their up-coming, unplugged album, 'Damnesia,' an acoustic re-vamp of a selection of songs varying from the past seven studio albums, including some brand-spanking new material.

The album is scheduled to be released 12th July 2011.

If their one live albm 'Acoustic in London' proved anything, it is that each one of Alkaline Trio's songs are still able to capture that dark, melodic and heart-racing experience that comes from listening to their material, plugged or unplugged. The first 'Damnesia' release, 'Clavicle,' taken from their 1998 debut album 'Goddamnit,' left many people shoving fists in to their mouths so as to stop the hyperventilating, full blown, squealng excitement that I have experienced myself and with many a devoted Alkaline Trio fan.
The track starts with a slow build up consistng of all three musicians, and then followed with a brief, agonizing pause, before we are thrown in to the fresh, original compilation. As we are taken into the familiar yet new guitar, bass and drums, we are finally met with Matt Skiba's dulcet, soulful voice. And I don't know about anyone else, but  the lyric change of 'drunk enough to talk to you', to 'numb enough to talk to you' is typical of Skiba's ususal habit of quirky and spontaneous lyric changes that he makes in most live performances. All in all this first tantalising single is a pleasent tease of what is to come from the up-coming release.

The second release, on the other hand, defeats all expectations that may have been made after the release of 'Clavicle.' 'This Could Be Love,' from their fourth studio album 'Good Mourning,' has become a gloomy, haunting song that, coupled with the lyrics, emphasises the even darker themes. The piano introduction that takes over from the usual, grinding guitar riff no longer takes the listeners breath away, but instead makes us cling on to Skiba's every word as he expresses heartbreak, drug abuse and alcoholism. This poignant reworked track promises an eclectic variation of re-vamped Trio classics that has been heard with both singles.
July 12th will hold many surprises for the dying-of-aniticipation Alkaline Trio fans, who will, no doubt, be lining outside every music store possible in order to grab a hot-off-the-press copy of Alkaline Trio's eighth full length studio album, 'Damnesia'.

Alkaline Trio:
Matt Skiba - Lead Vocals/Guitar: Goddamnit - Current
Dan Andriano - Lead Vocals/Bass: Goddamit - Current
Derek Grant - Backing Vocals/Drums/Percussion: Good Mourning - Current

Past Members:
Rob Doran - Backing Vocals/Bass: Pre-Goddamnit
Glenn Porter - Drums/Percussion: Goddamnit - Maybe I'll Catch Fire
Mike Felumlee - Drums/Percussion:  From Here To Infirmary

Discography (Studio Albums):
Goddamnit (1998)
Maybe I'll Catch Fire (2000)
From Here to Infirmary (2001)
Good Mourning (2003)
Crimson (2005)
Agony & Irony (2008)
This Addiction (2010)
Damnesia (2011)

Tuesday, June 7

Chameleon Circuit: Still Got Legs

What: Listening Party for upcoming album 'Still Got Legs'
When: June 3rd 2011
Where: Red Bull Studios, London

Chameleon Circuit sing songs about Doctor Who. As awful as that may seem as a concept, it isn't.

After the success of their self-titled first album, the announcement from CC that 'Still Got Legs' was in production left a lot of fan girls and boys hovering somewhere between 'OMG CHAM CIRCUIT ARE BACK' and 'OMG STEVEN MOFFAT IS RUINING MY LIFE' (the latter really hasn't got much to do with the music. It's more the result of Moffat confusing a lot of people on a regular basis.)

I'm just gonna put it out there that Red Bull is a company that I now have a lot of appreciation for. They basically ensured that the album could be made, after Michael Aranda got stuck in France, by sorting out travel and moving all the guys' recording equipment. Then they hosted the listening parties where there was free pizza and RedBull. Kudos to them.

Now to the music.

As we were all sitting in the studios listening to the album play, there was one thing that became immediately clear. Still Got Legs is different. Not different in a bad way, or different in the way that your Mum used to describe those kids at the park that ate sand, it just has a different sound to the first album. Honestly, I was impressed.

The boys have done an amazing job, and that, if the Q&A session is anything to go by, is partly down to one Michael Aranda. According to the other band members, Michael was more devoted to this album than their previous producer had been, and it really does come across. They've managed to create an album that's clean-cut and impressive without being overproduced. As for wanting to mix up their sound, they've pretty much got that on point too.

Taking all this into consideration, 'Still Got Legs' is obviously still Chameleon Circuit. They may have mixed things up but they're still singing about Doctor Who, and frankly, their lyrics are a joy to listen to. (I will testify this with no doubts, because I choked on my red bull during 'Kiss The Girl'.)

The change in line-up has also worked in the band's favour. It now looks like this:

Alex Day
Charlie McDonnell
Liam Dryden
Michael Aranda

There is no denying that 'Still Got Legs' is an impressive record.

The album is available for pre-order now HERE and ships on July 12th

Saturday, June 4


Hey guys!

catchtheslowtrain is kind of a cousin to a blog which recently had to be deleted due to mod problems. It will mainly focus on reviewing new albums, films, plays, and live gigs.
Since the relocation is new, we ask you to bear with us whilst we get things together and sort out posting times, replace the temporary header etc.

Whilst we're getting the details sorted out, we will still be posting! A rundown of the new Chameleon Circuit album is coming up very soon and in the coming weeks reviews of Glee Live, Alkaline Trio and Green Lantern will be posted.

Stay tuned!

New Mods:

Keya - Twitter, Tumblr, Blog

Lj - Twitter, Tumblr, Blog

(Posts will be tagged with author names)